Earth Grid Alignment

Discover the Power of Earth's Energy

The Earth's Grid comprises energetic frequencies that rejuvenate and revive life on our planet.

Spiritual Consultant Natasha Piper shares all about her earth grid alignments

Achieving Balance with an Earth Grid Alignment

By exploring holographic, energetic frequencies and examining the landlines that run beneath a property, we can access templates that contain multiple layers of patterns and information.

To promote the seamless flow of life force energy with the Earth, our goal is to unify these layers by eliminating any elements that are not directly connected to the template.

The house not only reveals important insights about the energetic frequency of living spaces, but the behaviors, personalities, and disharmony of its occupants – including pets – also contribute to the layers of frequency.

Additionally, displaced, delayed, or trapped energy forms, such as spirits, may add to the frequency layers on these grids.

What is the difference between a cleansing and a clearing?

A cleansing removes surface-level energy, and a wind barrier is placed around the space to prevent negative energy from returning and to help make it more comfortable for renters.

At the same time, a clearing is a permanent solution that connects the property, owner, and land to the earth grid.

A complete earth grid alignment clearing is only possible for property owners.

Before recommending a cleansing or clearing, we ask clients whether they own or rent their property.

What you may notice after your Earth Grid Alignment

Initially, the space may appear empty and devoid of energy, much like a blank canvas.

However, as you use the space, it will gradually become more lively and energized to match your frequency and energy.

The clearing process links your frequency to the home, ensuring that you, your property, and the Earth's Grid are all in harmony.

During the realignment process, it's common to experience physical discomfort such as aches, dizziness, slight nausea, or discomfort lasting anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days.

These symptoms are natural as your energetic layers and physical body adjust to match the new frequency of your land and property.