Body and Soul Services

Assisting Spirits in their Passage from the Physical Vessel to the Afterlife


Supporting your loved ones on their journey.

How I can be of service

  • Natasha Assisting in the Transition: Natasha's Passing Over Services  When clients are nearing the end of their time, Natasha is available to help guide their spirit frequency from the body to the spirit realm. Often referred to as the afterlife.

    Passing Over

    Assisting in the Transition: Natasha's Passing Over Services

    When clients are nearing the end of their time, Natasha is available to help guide their spirit frequency from the body to the spirit realm. Often referred to as the afterlife.

    This is where Natasha's goddess self comes into play, helping individuals settle in and adjust.

    With her unique abilities, Natasha is able to transition between both the Earthly and Spirit Realms with ease.

  • Natasha offers anchoring services for your loved one.  She assists in guiding the spirit frequency from the body vessel,

    Before Funeral Preparations

    Assistance with End-of-Life Preparations

    In the event of an unexpected passing, Natasha offers anchoring services for your loved one.

    She assists in guiding the spirit frequency from the body vessel, aiding in the end-of-life transition.

    Once this is complete, physical funeral preparations can proceed.

Personal Stories:

My sister Sacha

Sacha passed away suddenly just after her 18th birthday while she was overseas in India Feb 2023.

Mum, Dad, and I flew to India to be with her in the New Deli base hospital ICU where she had been placed in an induced coma after brain surgery for an aneurysm.

We were with her for two days as her life came to a close, Mum had called me back into her room when she felt Sacha's spirit was on her way.

Being able to help Sacha’s spirit release from her earthly bodysuit and become source light, was both a huge honor and the most trauma I have ever experienced.

Read more here.

My friend Trish

Remembering Trish: A Mother Figure and a Cherished Friend

Losing Trish in 2019 was a challenging time for me. She was more than just a friend; she was like a mother to me.

Yet, I was fortunate to have been there for her through her transition from the physical world to the spiritual realm.

Together, we created a stunning tropical island paradise for her to enjoy, complete with refreshing margaritas. Even in the afterlife, Trish's fun-loving and strong personality remained true to her nature.


1. Are you an End of Life Doula?

There are some similarities in that Natasha guides you on what you or your loved one might experience as you transition life into the spirit realm.

This pertains to your own beliefs and customs.

Natasha was born as an Anchor which means she has the spiritual ability to transition Earth and Spirit realms as her Goddess self to guide spirit frequency from the body and this Earthly realm.

A Doula is a Greek word, meaning ‘woman of service’. Its use today means ‘one who accompanies a person (and their family/whanau), as they transition either into, or out of their lives.’

2. What is an Anchor?

An Anchor is a person who balances life here on Earth by guiding spirit form, from the physical plane.

Anchors are spiritual beings who transition life both here in the Earthly realm and in the Spirit/Afterlife realm.

3. Why does the spirit body need to be released before funeral preparations?

The spirit body is seen as a complete form of energy just like your body. When embalming begins before the spirit body is fully out of the bodysuit, this can trap parts of the frequency here on the Earthly plane.

4. Are you a spirit Medium?

Short answer Yes, Natasha can and does speak to spirits, but only when they contact her.

Natasha follows a strict Anchor code of conduct, that she will not call spirits back.

Natasha’s role is to guide spirits on and to support them in the afterlife as they settle, like any transition this is a process of acceptance.

6. Do you offer any follow-up support?

Yes! A call can be arranged to answer any questions for loved ones should this be needed.

Guiding you or your loved ones on with love