Achieve Prosperity for Your Business and Commercial Property

Establish a vibrant, business-friendly atmosphere. Energize your space by aligning it with the Earth's Grid.


Our Services

  • Creating a Positive Retail Space

    Whether you're a new business owner or have been operating for years, it's crucial to cultivate a positive energy within your workspace.

    A salon, clinic, consulting firm, café, or boutique store can benefit greatly from a welcoming and energized atmosphere.

    Unfortunately, the hustle and bustle of a busy city can sometimes bring negative energy into your space, along with imprints from previous staff, businesses, and landlords.

    To counteract this, consider an internal cleanse of all previous frequencies and vibrations from former tenants and the city.

    This approach can be highly effective in creating a space that resonates with your business goals and matches your energetic vibration.

    With a new contract in place, you can be confident that the energy in your space is aligned with your vision, allowing you, your staff, and your clients to thrive.

  • Creating a Clear Separation between Personal and Professional Space while Working Remotely

    Working from home presents unique challenges when it comes to separating your personal and professional space.

    It's important to establish clear boundaries to increase productivity and reduce stress.

    One approach to achieve this is through energetic space clarification.

    By tapping into the energetic frequencies of Earth's Grid, we can gain a better understanding of how to create a physical divide between the two spaces.

    This holographic template is composed of numerous individual spinning layers of information and patterns.

    As an expert in this area, my goal is to harmonize these layers to create a unified, continuous circuit that flows through the land, property, business, individuals, and Earth itself.

    This method has the potential to promote business success and support the goals of the property and business owner/operator.

  • Innovative Approach to Property Development: Balancing Energy Flows with an Earth Grid Alignment

    Are you a property developer on the lookout for something different?

    Our approach to multi-dwelling developments includes a unique strategy of restoring the land's energetic equilibrium after the demolition process.

    We acknowledge the displaced and lost energies from the old homes and work to merge them into the natural flow of the Earth's frequency or resolution in the afterlife.

    To ensure harmony throughout the new build, we establish fresh energetic contracts that connect the site's blueprints with the development of the new houses.

    This process guarantees a complete circuit of the Earth's energy flows throughout the finished houses,

    producing a sense of balance that new owners can feel as they create their homes.

  • By exploring holographic, energetic frequencies and examining the landlines that run beneath a property,

    we can access templates that contain multiple layers of patterns and information.

    To promote the seamless flow of life force energy with the Earth,

    our goal is to unify these layers by eliminating any elements that are not directly connected to the template.

    The house not only reveals important insights about the energetic frequency of living spaces,

    but the behaviors, personalities, and disharmony of its occupants – including pets – also contribute to the layers of frequency.

    Additionally, displaced, delayed, or trapped energy forms, such as spirits,

    may add to the frequency layers on these grids.

Are you struggling to move forward due to old habits and lack of motivation?

Have you found yourself struggling with any of the following scenarios?

  • Difficulty in hiring the right employees

  • Feeling anxious and uncertain at work

  • Unsafe at your store

  • Low foot traffic in your store

Imagine the sense of relief that comes with discovering newfound energy to tackle these issues and reach new heights of success.

Discover your new work vibe!

  • Give your store a fresh start and a new beginning!

  • Reboot and revitalize your workspace to align with your business goals!

  • Harness the Earth's energy to increase clarity, creativity, and abundance!

  • Foster new and existing client relationships with a welcoming and harmonious environment!

Your life before an
Earth grid alignment:

  • Friction and conflict at work

  • Feeling a sense of unease in some spaces

  • Burnt out and run down

  • Struggling to create new business

Your life after your
Earth grid alignment:

  • Enjoying each other’s company

  • Your workspace is humming with joy

  • Your health and vitality bounce back faster

  • You can see new directions & opportunities possible NOW!


With a business Earth Grid Alignment you can:


Transform your physical business space by clearing negative energy and creating a more welcoming environment.

Take the time to reset the energetic foundations of your business space to ensure that they align with your goals and direction. This will help you to stay on track and move forward with purpose.

Revitalize your brick-and-mortar business space and make it the place to be by shedding old negative energy.

  • "The feeling of always feeling emotionally drained had been taken away, that was my aha moment! I would highly recommend Natasha and her services. Love your work. X"

    Tracy - Business Cleansing

Here's what happens when you book your Earth Grid Alignment:

For any queries please book a consultation call with me using the button below.


Step 1.

You’ll fill in the form above and tell me all about you & your needs!

Step 2.

I will schedule a call or on-site visit to discuss our services and provide a quote.

Step 3.

After you confirm your quote, I will send you a contract and invoice for a 50% deposit. We will start work as soon as we receive the deposit.

Step 4.

I will invoice you for the remaining balance. Once paid, I will return to complete the alignment and clearing process on your site.


Projects/Case Studies:

Beauty and Medi Spa: Removing negative energy for a new beginning.

After facing a period of stress in 2020/21, the salon owner struggled to find the right staff and needed to let go of those who weren't a good fit.

To start anew in 2022, we decided to clear the salon of any negative energy.

First, we identified the most intense area of negative energy and connected all clinic rooms to remove it from the walls and business items of the salon.

The frequency was then sent back to the staff's energetic body and other layers to replenish nature's energy grid.

The result was astounding – the salon felt as if it was completely rejuvenated, free from any negative energy or history.

The owner was elated to finally have a break from burnout and sickness and was able to take a week to recharge.

The salon's newfound vitality attracted many new clients in the following months.



1. What will I feel like after the work?

Quite often you may feel a little out-of-sorts, or not familiar/sure of your surroundings.

Sometimes illnesses lying dormant may come up to be cleared.

You may notice changes in your physical body with aches and pains, dizziness, or feeling a little uncomfortable for a few hours to a few days after the clearing process.

This is when your physical body is realigning to match your own energy to the newly formed earth grid alignment running through your home.

If you are exploring your spirituality you may uplevel to a deeper awareness of yourself.

2. Will an Earth grid alignment be the answer to all my problems?

Well, it will be a great start!

You may notice a process of change begin in all areas of your life as your own mental, emotional & physical familiar patterns, recalibrate and shift to fit the newly aligned Earth grid.

You may also notice relationships go through a recalibration process, as you all fit into the layers of frequency within your business space.

We, humans, are complex beings.

Previously set-in-place plans, may not go as planned after your earth grid alignment, so be open to seeing things from a new perspective.

If you continue to force a previously set outcome this generally causes friction somewhere, we suggest you step back and let the new alignment show you alternative possibilities.

3. How soon will I notice a change?

Once our energetic team brings out the layers of frequency and prepares the energetic foundation for Natasha’s work to begin.

Some of our clients feel this process is a busy happening that they can’t see but can definitely feel like something is going on around them.

Depending on the layers of frequency build-up in your business space first initial noticings can be quite amazing.

The most common sense on the first visit back to the property is that it is void of frequency like an open blank canvas.

This sense may last for a few hours, sometimes days, as slowly more energy and life are reintroduced by you using the different spaces.

When energetic layers are more about changes in business direction, rather than negative energy being released.

You may notice more lightness, spaciousness, or a sense of comfort and connection that reaches throughout.

4. Can I be on site when you are doing the Earth grid alignment?

With the final on-site visit to release energetic layers and realign the business space frequency to the Earth grid.

Natasha shifts her consciousness into a transient otherworldly state of awareness.

This stage of the clearing process is extremely powerful, so we prefer our clients to be off-site during this process.

However, we will always do our best to accommodate our clients if this is not possible.

5. Do you offer any follow-up support?


We will send you an email in a week’s time to check in to see how you are feeling, and what you are experiencing and noticing.

Of course, any initial concerns within the following few days we encourage you to reach out to us.

6. What’s the difference between a clearing and a cleansing?

A cleansing removes surface-level energy, and a wind barrier is placed around the space to prevent negative energy from returning and to help make it more comfortable for renters.

At the same time, a clearing is a permanent solution that connects the property, owner, and land to the earth grid.

A complete earth grid alignment clearing is only possible for property owners.

Before recommending a cleansing or clearing, we ask clients whether they own or rent their property.

Let's harness the power of the Earth's energy to bring prosperity to your business!